today morning replacement class 9.30am-12.30pm
Michelle (cousin sis) sms me n asked me where am i..haha!!
she said she fetch me. so i follow her..
suppose i need to take bus to Midvalley then she fetch me from there.
but i dun hv small change, so thought that wanna reach barat n change my money there.
i saw Jun. chat with him n Michelle called me again..
she went to the wrong way.. so tersesat..
chat alot with Jun while he waiting for Issac. ^^
around 2pm she only reached..
but i need to walk to CIMB bank.. huh!!
tired n sweating man!! @.@
then we go buy Mcd.. (hehe.. actually is me la)
around 3pm reach Cheras auntie house.
after eat n watch awhile TV then rest.
coz nite we are going to listen to a talk that from Da ai..
6.30pm mom n dad reach aunt house.
after dinner we went to a building (forgotten what name is that)
then edy lotz of ppl inside waiting.. @.@
we are almost the back.. cant c infront also.
but lucky got 2 big screen display beside the stage..
just can c from there. ^^

the talk began, actually is very meaningful.
so i din feel any sleepy.. haha!!
the talk end at 9.15pm... then we all chau~~
so fast.. one day has finish~~~~~
and monday need to submit my assignment... =(
gambateh lo~~

Michelle (cousin sis) sms me n asked me where am i..haha!!
she said she fetch me. so i follow her..
suppose i need to take bus to Midvalley then she fetch me from there.
but i dun hv small change, so thought that wanna reach barat n change my money there.
i saw Jun. chat with him n Michelle called me again..
she went to the wrong way.. so tersesat..
chat alot with Jun while he waiting for Issac. ^^
around 2pm she only reached..
but i need to walk to CIMB bank.. huh!!
tired n sweating man!! @.@
then we go buy Mcd.. (hehe.. actually is me la)
around 3pm reach Cheras auntie house.
after eat n watch awhile TV then rest.
coz nite we are going to listen to a talk that from Da ai..
6.30pm mom n dad reach aunt house.
after dinner we went to a building (forgotten what name is that)
then edy lotz of ppl inside waiting.. @.@
we are almost the back.. cant c infront also.
but lucky got 2 big screen display beside the stage..
just can c from there. ^^
the talk began, actually is very meaningful.
so i din feel any sleepy.. haha!!
the talk end at 9.15pm... then we all chau~~
so fast.. one day has finish~~~~~
and monday need to submit my assignment... =(
gambateh lo~~