just finish update Thacnes Bday post. ^^
few days din update..
why? my Career Management assignment lo... huhu~~
finally i have finish.. =)
Thursday purposely go to Jaya 1 for Customer Service discussion..
but seem like discuss ntg.. haiz..
Saturday morning having Career Management replacement class..
suppose having discussion after class,
but Emma n Ah Tak din attend class..
brought laptop to college but the funny thing is...
i brought charger but i din bring the charger head..
coz the head is different than the normal one.. =.=!!
so cant use.. using my friend's charger to charge..
then after took attendance in class, having break we all chau~~
go where?
me, sakthi, yin, vani, kavitha, ruban, guna, sathys them all went to library.
then sakthi said will take 12pm bus to Mcd to do assignment. =)
i follow them...
Tomson (tommy & jackson) follow us.. >.<
>.< around 2pm we start..
3 of us bergilir to use the plug.. haha!! so funny..
jack came coz buy Mcd for his boss..
he told me he got charger... huh!!
yeah... no need so pity bergilir-gilir use the charger..
do until around 6pm mom come fetch me..
1st time i really sit down diam diam n do assignment.. =) (clap hand clap hand)
but really thanks to Yin, coz she helps me alot.. ^^
she sit there n help Sakthi n I.. love her much^^
after 6pm dad suddenly said wanna go digital mall..
shop in there, and bought a printer..
3in 1.. haha!! happy happy.. >.<
at nite faster finish up..
around 4am submit to Turnitin.. get 19%..
but scare la...
hope Dr Chan is ok with my assignment...
totally no confident.. huhu~~~~
sleep for whole day..
12pm wake up around 2pm sleep back till 7pm... geng!!
hmm, later need to submit then after class need to do have CS discussion..
haiz~~ gambateh ba~~
need to sleep la.. nite everyone.. >.<

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