she are late n we both felt hungry,
she decided to ponteng her class n we took our breakfast in Lotus.
we sit there n chit chat. kakakakak!!
until 10.45am like that,
she fetch me to 223,
after went to toilet then she accompany me till 11am,
while waiting for my group member,
we wait them in canteen,
i saw Jun n.. .. .. then also saw Jack. haha!!
chat awhile then emma is here. >.<
Crystal also is time to go back le..
Jack also need to back to class..
me n emma sitting in canteen n wait for them.
11.30am Jenny n Moon Yew reach.
4 of us waiting for Ah Tak.. =.=
while waiting, Emma went out with her bf to have brunch. >.<
then me, find Jack n Jun when they after class.. haha!!
chit chatting with them..
around 2pm Emma back n we having our discussion in Lab.
very fast, 3pm something can finish,
while going to Emma's parking place,
saw someone AGAIN!!!!! 2nd time edy.. really wan so ngam timing izit? hate it!!
Emma fetch me to 1u,
before fetch to 1u, she brought me to SS2 to eat.. hungry neh~~
then only fetch me 1u.
while im waiting for daddy, have a short window shopping.. keke!!
Friday back to college as usual.. haha!
morning class super boring!!
till 12pm, rest for 15mins start class again. haiz~~
till 1.15pm lunch time, me n Yin went to MS for lunch..
meet someone AGAIN!! ish!! ish!! 3rd time la!!!
will make me crazy one u know??!!! huh!!
we walked there with "pui pui" haha!!
reach there n we order food..
hmm, need to wait very long actually.
while waiting, we doing some DIY. kakakak!!
2.10pm finish our lunch n walked back to college..keke!!
continue our class. ~
4.15pm finish class n go home sleep! yeah yeah~~
this sunday going to Yin Mei's 21 bday party..
enjoy my party.. yeah!!
n next week Tuesday, gambateh ya!!

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