update bit bit la.. =)
actually quite lazy la.. and ntg special to say
just everyday work work work..
erm... what to say 1st?
yesterday mood super bad, few things happen together.
coz kena marah.. =(
then result.. haiz~~ i edy know my global is failed.. huhuh~
need to resit back.
yin asked me go on next monday so i need to take half day leave.
can let me rest also. =)
after lunch my heart something wrong somewhere..
not feeling well and hard to breath.. ish!!
at night sms with someone..
adui~~ make me feel like im a kids edy..
haha! the way i sms quite funny.
like baby.. XD
but really hope today someone can acc me..
sorry o~~ ^^
today 2hours break..
hope someone can come to acc me.. =)
but still waiting for the sms..
really hope.. pls pls pls...
*actually quite lazy back to college. haha!!
just hope can rest more.. =)
but monday still need to go work then only go coll..
dunno what time will be reach college after work. huhu~~
ok la. when i free i come update again. ^^

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