my mom invite my relatives come n i invite my friends to come.. keke!!
woke up at 12pm coz lazy.. kaka!!
saw grandma edy busy cooking n preparing.. help her a bit bit.. =)
around 5pm, Joanne told me that she in ktm already.. yoohoo!!
one more hour then will b in my house.. keke!!
6.15pm she reach n i fetch her from station.
one of my relative come edy. hehe~
stay inside my house quite hot, so i bring her go out walk walk.. haha!!
then around 7pm like that Carol said she almost reach,
so 2 of us walk so fast to go home.
while walking home, daddy called n said my friend is here.. keke!
paiseh paiseh.. we chat alot.. haha~
then relatives all coming lu~~
after that, Daniel came, then Anis, then Joyce. haha!!
the last is.... Shirley... coz she having class till 9pm .
all together got 8person. haha!!
enjoy makan n chit chatting..
joyce went back 1st,
hmm.. i also forget what time..
then till around 10.30pm, nis said wanna balik edy.
coz she need to go back b4 11pm..
hug hug b4 balik, then chatting pula... =.=!!
chat till cant stop.. wakaka!! (too much to chat coz long time no c..)
after they go.. left us..
Daniel, Carol, Joanne, Shirley n me..
chit chat outside of the house then went inside coz wan gambling wo.. huhu~~
Carol got luck.. keep on win.. n me.. lose..
but this is the 1st time i gamble, coz since 5-6 years ago i din gamble till now.. haha!!
believe anot?
while we playing, Carol sms with her parent to ask for overnite at my house. hehe~~
but at last gao dim.. keke!
but she din prepare anything, no toothbrush, no shirt to sleep.
so.. i borrow her my shirt.. ^^
around 12.30am, Mr Daniel need to go back already.
but we all eat bit 1st then he balik, after he went back, we having girls talk. kakakak!!
1st, we sit infront of the food, eating eating n chatting chatting. ^^
then all getting full, went into my room n continue...
laugh so loud n talk so loud. haha!! then online awhile.. ^^
chatting so much neh~ haha!!
chat till 2am something n almost 3am edy but we dunno the time at all..
saw shirley lying on my bed n the eyes is smaller n smaller, then i suggest to sleep. haha!!
i sleep back my bed, shirley sleep on my bro's bed (hmm, my bro in my mom's room)
then joanne n carol sleep together in one bed on the floor.. ^^
at 1st 4 of us still chit chatting.
but then suddenly one of them is quiet.. haha!!
Shirley fall asleep edy.. coz she very tired. haha!! then left 3 of us..
keep chit chatting without the light n cant c each other. haha!!
chat till 4am then my eyes also started become smaller n smaller. =)
but then still continue with them. haha!!
we chat till the air-cond automatic off then i said is time for us to sleep,
coz is getting to reach 5am. haha!!
then 3of us keep quiet edy..
till the next morning, mean this morning,
8.55am edy get up coz im sweating!!! hot neh..
but then continue sleep coz all of them still sleeping..
10am i woke up again, n saw them still sleeping then i sleep back. haha!
after that 11am something i wake up
coz carol n joanne also just woke up coz handphone msg. ^^
left shirley still sleeping. haha!!
we thought wanna do a small test c whether she will wake up anot,
but at last she scared me, n not i scared her. haha!!
then 4 of us keep laughing.. !!
mom also asked me that why suddenly laugh. haha!!
after that we start to chat again. keke!!
chat till 1pm something then prepare ourself.
coz carol need to go back at 2pm.
after gao dim then bring them for brunch. ^^
the restaurant just left chicken rice n goreng goreng only.
after makan then we walked back n wait for carol's brother.
while waiting, saw shirley's timetable,
then we book for next meet-ing again.. (so fast rite?) haha!!
then carol's bro came, and he fetch Joanne n Shirley to station.. =)
after they went back, the house so quiet edy..
n i... clean my room n SLEEP!! hahah!! coz quite tired na.. ^^
sleep till lazy to wake up.. XD
hope to meet u all again.. haha~~
really enjoy even my house not big ya.. ^^
(photo will be upload on the next post)
tomolo start class lu~~
my study mood missing... huhu~~
assignment & presentation & homework din touch at all.. huh!!
n make me more regret to enter this course n some more this COLLEGE!!
but morning class cancel,
n will have breakfast with Jack n his gf Sandy. ^^
then only go coll for afternoon class. =)
lazy~~ lazy~~ lazy~~

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