i also dunno.. mayb too boring while staying at home,
then started to think too much again..
but no worries ya, not think about that person. >.<
stay at home doing ntg really will make ppl think alot.. huhu~~
hmm, actually got lotz of things wanna write here..
but when i enter here, dunno what to write edy.. =.=!!
hmm, let me recall back.. what is inside my mind.. hehe~
1st, thinking about next week open house.. huhu~
make me headache..
but still ok, hope i can handle it, n hope my friends will not ffk. =)
2nd, dunno why recently also cant sleep well.. haiz..
normally b4 sleep will recall back something or think about something,
but recently, my mind like empty..
what had happen b4 also feel like [mop] away edy.
if force myself to recall, make me headache pula.. !! =.=!!
because of this cant sleep well.. haiz~~
3rd, my assignment n presentation...
still got one more week to go n my nightmare is coming..
i havent start my assignment yet!
wanna start but dunno start from where.. useless!!
presentation need to discuss with them..
but if not mistaken, emma n ah tak still in their hometown..
haiz~ how ya?
i really dun hv confident on it..
4th, mom wan me to quit Allianz Life Insurance coz of my boss + salary..
haiz.. if i quit then dun hv income.. stress~~~
5th & 6th, let me keep as secret 1st.
coz not yet success.. haha!! but both also need $$ .. huhu~~
wow! suddenly feel like my mind full of things.. haha!! crazy.. (^.^)
huh! this 2010 CNY really so so so boring..
no where to go, ang pow less.. haha!!
but tomolo going to relative's house (get ang pow) haha!!
other side, need to cancel to meet up with Yee..
n Shirley as well.. huhu~ sad sad.. =(
dunno when only can meet up..
coz after CNY all will back to busy life..
miss my friends so much.. wanna invite them to come to my house.
but for them my house is far neh... haiz~~
this make me really headache actually.. but really hope they will come..
still inviting.. (>.<)
not sleepy at all, what can i do now? (~.~)

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