today.. is the day that remind me something sad again..
but~ i can totally forget it til just now. XD
improving. yeah!!
this morning Mei Yee come my house fetch me to work
b4 work we went to Aman Puri Old Town Kopitiam to have our breakfast^^
reach there around 8am.. XD
order our breakfast.. hmm..
chatting chatting while waiting for food.. (^.^)
our breakfast came..
improving. yeah!!
this morning Mei Yee come my house fetch me to work
b4 work we went to Aman Puri Old Town Kopitiam to have our breakfast^^
reach there around 8am.. XD
order our breakfast.. hmm..
chatting chatting while waiting for food.. (^.^)
our breakfast came..

hehe.. our breakfast^^
eat lu~~ XD
i eat so slow.. coz non stop talking.
almost 9am, we are LATE!!
faster finish up n paid..

so full neh~
our total amount is RM15 only.. XD
cheap? kekeke!!
get back to work,
but we are late.
but is ok for me,
coz.. .. .. ..
my boss din come,
they all(agent) went to malacca.. XD
so.. .. ..
im free!! yeah!!
but, im busy.. huhu~~~
then i started my job lor~
what job i need to do?
write addresss n fold new year card.. ^^
sitting there like im a boss. so kasar neh..
but comfortable.. :p
below is.. my job that i need to finish b4 Saturday..
a lot neh~ =.=!!

continue my job..
writing the address.. XD
make me neck tired, hand pain.. huhu~
finish wrote the addres..
tired!! X.X
messy? hehe..
need double check the address
coz scare i wrote wrong.. hehe!! XD
fold... huhu~
but this company's not good
the design is nice..
but the.. .. .. really very teruk lor..@@
the small calendar will ter-keluar one..
b4 go home, edy finish half..
left bit. ^^
need to put it into envelop tomolo.. ^^
haha!! gambateh lor yen... XD
at1pm, Mei Yee & Ms Chong went to Mcd For lunch
then i called daddy c where is him,
he told me that his car kena langgar,
worried neh~
mummy fetch me then know some details from her.
suppose today go PJ submit the ptptn form,
coz 15 is the last day..
so.. .. din go.. change it to tomolo XD
around 3pm, daddy came back n told me what had happen..
huh!! my favourite car, Myvi... kena langgar.. sad sad..
nite i din go to work coz i feel lazy..
tuesday i also din go.. today din go..
hmm, teacher mayb dun like la..
but really dun hv that mood to go... sorry~
my look after bath.. ^^
funny? hehe~

sitting there like im a boss. so kasar neh..
but comfortable.. :p
below is.. my job that i need to finish b4 Saturday..
continue my job..
writing the address.. XD
make me neck tired, hand pain.. huhu~

tired!! X.X
need double check the address
coz scare i wrote wrong.. hehe!! XD

but this company's not good
the design is nice..
but the.. .. .. really very teruk lor..@@
the small calendar will ter-keluar one..
left bit. ^^
need to put it into envelop tomolo.. ^^
haha!! gambateh lor yen... XD
at1pm, Mei Yee & Ms Chong went to Mcd For lunch
then i called daddy c where is him,
he told me that his car kena langgar,
worried neh~
mummy fetch me then know some details from her.
suppose today go PJ submit the ptptn form,
coz 15 is the last day..
so.. .. din go.. change it to tomolo XD
around 3pm, daddy came back n told me what had happen..
huh!! my favourite car, Myvi... kena langgar.. sad sad..
nite i din go to work coz i feel lazy..
tuesday i also din go.. today din go..
hmm, teacher mayb dun like la..
but really dun hv that mood to go... sorry~
funny? hehe~

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