met with mei yee^^ keke!!
fun to b in office again, at least no need stay in the house !
Jacky bought 2packet of biscuit n sweets n he asked me to share with ms chong n mei yee
so i bring that 2packet to their side, n share to eat^^
give bit to Stephannie..
n also, i get my salary!! yeah yeah!! happy about it!!
back to work, Jacky asked me to called Safar~
aiyo~ b4 he went to Japan i thought he said he will settle.
who knows, still need me! =.=!
i not dare to called ppl la!!! scare will say something wrong.. hehe
practice n practice what to say.
n wrote it down let Jacky check is there any problem,
he told me that [ok! just follow what u write]
emm, my head full of ''??'' coz izit really can??
then i called~~~ huh!! so difficult to hear coz Mr Safar's sound quite soft..
cant really hear what he said.. n i must keep saying [pardon].. huh! sorry la!
n plus my ears not good recently, so really cant hear clearly..
too much policy no. to let him check.. feel so paiseh n i also keep saying sorry..
finally, i finished.. then on the laptop n check portal..
Jacky din told me that he has already change his PASSWORD!! argghhh!!
then he also forget his password, so LOCKED!! haha~~
asked Mei Yee come n open Master Lo's portal n i check from there..
suddenly no connection, dunno what had happen. after i stop n din check..
walk around n go Mei Yee there..
after worked, went to Guardian with Mei Yee n Ms chong,
then went to KFC bought something to eat. haha.. ^^
mom fetch me home..
started to pack my things le~~
but still dunno what to take.. huh!!
help me!! keke!!!

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