early in the morning awake by mummy coz need to go Damansara Height to collect my passport!!
after that meet up with auntie at temple in Selayang..
is very near to Karen's House.. haha.. but she's working.. coz i cant c her Myvi...
at temple praying.. n i saw my favourite dog.. Shih Tzu.. ^^
very happy to play with it.. mummy said it very ham sap!! haha...
but is cute.. wanna have one la.. but they dun wan.. haiz.. disappointed!!!
in the car took lotz of pic.. got more than 100pic.. keke!! gila edy!! haha~~
12pm only home.. daddy so fast took the modem n online.. n online for the whole day!!
argghhh!!! geram betul!! so, i watch DVD~ around 4pm take a nap coz got work later..

very excited coz going to college!! yeah!! hehe
asked daddy to prepare fast coz wanna reach there early..
but he.. haiz~~ so slow!!
while on the way, traffic jam la!! but lucky, still can reach b4 11am.. haha!!
sms Shirley n Pui Yin.. Shirley told me that she will be at the Canteen waiting for me..
n Pui Yin, she told me that in UH with her sister.. haha~~
meet up with Shirley, n she intro her leader to me.. Wilson...
we walked to Level 1 to find for the 1LH2 class..
we thought we are late.. but in the class have nobody except the Gatsby Styling Dance ppl only~~ n also Mr Steven is inside too~
around 12pm only they started.. aiyo~ i forgot their name la!!
but their dance really, wow!! wanna learn.. hehe
start to warm up, but no one stand up.. keke!! so Fellest Yan teach us warm up our body with sitting on the chair~ haha!!
is really funny!!
after that they told us some story n teach us dance! yeah!! i like this so much..
even the steps got bit difficult but is really fun n enjoy..
but also feel bit paiseh la.. coz got camera man!! keke!!
sms with Pui Yin but i cant walked out the class.. so she come n find me..
i pass her the booklet.. haha~ n give a hug to her^^ sweet anot? hehe
then run back to the classroom n continue dance!! yeah!!
they gave us a small game to play, but really feel paiseh coz i 1st time help a guy to wax his hair..
coz they said must a guy n a girl, so Shirley with Wilson n I'm with Jack~
he teach me how to wax his hair, n i used too much wax!!! really paiseh la~~
after that we took pic coz i 1st time help guys wax hair!! haha!!
then after the game, went to toilet wash our hands coz full of wax!!
all of them went to gent to wash, haha!! my 1st time AGAIN!!
a guy name Nesh, his hair wax by a china girl, that girl use soap to help him clean his hair.. haha!!
when i'm helping him to clean up the wax, the girl use soap to help him wash..
b4 i go i heard that guy said [what are u using?! oh my..] keke!!! i think he wan pengsan edy!
get our free gift.. ^^ n dance again!! yeah!! i really love dancing.. keke!!!
the last activities, dunno what we dance la.. haha.. but is fun n tired~~ used to much energy on it.. keke!!
sms with Yin n told her that i wanna go home lu~ keke!
she gave me back the booklet n chat awhile coz she having class.. hehe
Pui Yin, we will meet again in 2010.. keke!! miss ya^^
daddy fetch me to Fotorex to collect photo~ wow!! the pic can obviously c my one big one small eye... haiz~
but is ok la.. haha~~
then went home n sleep!! keke!!
*waiting for next Thursday~~** yeah yeah!!
nitez everyone... sweet dreams~

very excited coz going to college!! yeah!! hehe
asked daddy to prepare fast coz wanna reach there early..
but he.. haiz~~ so slow!!
while on the way, traffic jam la!! but lucky, still can reach b4 11am.. haha!!
sms Shirley n Pui Yin.. Shirley told me that she will be at the Canteen waiting for me..
n Pui Yin, she told me that in UH with her sister.. haha~~
meet up with Shirley, n she intro her leader to me.. Wilson...
we walked to Level 1 to find for the 1LH2 class..
we thought we are late.. but in the class have nobody except the Gatsby Styling Dance ppl only~~ n also Mr Steven is inside too~
around 12pm only they started.. aiyo~ i forgot their name la!!
but their dance really, wow!! wanna learn.. hehe
start to warm up, but no one stand up.. keke!! so Fellest Yan teach us warm up our body with sitting on the chair~ haha!!
is really funny!!
after that they told us some story n teach us dance! yeah!! i like this so much..
even the steps got bit difficult but is really fun n enjoy..
but also feel bit paiseh la.. coz got camera man!! keke!!
sms with Pui Yin but i cant walked out the class.. so she come n find me..
i pass her the booklet.. haha~ n give a hug to her^^ sweet anot? hehe
then run back to the classroom n continue dance!! yeah!!
they gave us a small game to play, but really feel paiseh coz i 1st time help a guy to wax his hair..
coz they said must a guy n a girl, so Shirley with Wilson n I'm with Jack~
he teach me how to wax his hair, n i used too much wax!!! really paiseh la~~
after that we took pic coz i 1st time help guys wax hair!! haha!!
then after the game, went to toilet wash our hands coz full of wax!!
all of them went to gent to wash, haha!! my 1st time AGAIN!!
a guy name Nesh, his hair wax by a china girl, that girl use soap to help him clean his hair.. haha!!
when i'm helping him to clean up the wax, the girl use soap to help him wash..
b4 i go i heard that guy said [what are u using?! oh my..] keke!!! i think he wan pengsan edy!
get our free gift.. ^^ n dance again!! yeah!! i really love dancing.. keke!!!
the last activities, dunno what we dance la.. haha.. but is fun n tired~~ used to much energy on it.. keke!!
sms with Yin n told her that i wanna go home lu~ keke!
she gave me back the booklet n chat awhile coz she having class.. hehe
Pui Yin, we will meet again in 2010.. keke!! miss ya^^
daddy fetch me to Fotorex to collect photo~ wow!! the pic can obviously c my one big one small eye... haiz~
but is ok la.. haha~~
then went home n sleep!! keke!!
Jack n the girl.. (paiseh~i forgot her name)
helping him to capture^^
*waiting for next Thursday~~** yeah yeah!!
nitez everyone... sweet dreams~

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