yesterday so pity me.. huhu~~

Kak Mona ask me to shift the table out of the meeting room coz for the staff communition..
i cant move heavy things.. but... i still do it...
hand non stop shivering... haiz~~
but i do watch movie.. kakakkaakak!!
but but...haiz~ 1st time Kak Mona saw i Msn, 2nd time she came out saw i movie pula...
today today~~

haha... tomolo is my last day in ansaldo today i wear baju kurung..not mine.. but mom one. haha!
she din wear b4.. =) so today i wear!! kakaak!!

this morning woke up and took it from my mom's cupboard.
wear it.. then feel uncomfortable..
coz i have around 5years din wear baju kurung.. haha!!
some more i just wear 2 times b4..
one time is for dancing.. and the 2nd time is for school fashion sh

so today is different than the previous day..
coz today wear for whole day and my company mostly is malay!!
but when they saw me, they shocked and said im pretty and look nice with the baju kurung.. hehe

happy happy~~

today got staff communication which mean i can movie.. =)
but.. but.. i just watch for the morning session.. haiz~~~

coz afternoon session the meeting room door is open..
i cant have chance to watch.. haiz~
have to shift back all the chair and tables and arrange back..
capture session with Ayeesha and the gang.. ^^
but look blur.. so tomolo again.. but no more with baju kurung..
and tomolo Mr Sandran treat me MCd.. dunno real anot.. haha!!
ask my neighbour [octopus] help me capture capture.. hehe!!

and my sis, Crystal is coming for the 1st day work tomolo with me.. hehe
hope she can enjoy working for the one month.. hehe!!
let's have a look with my baju kurung...
about with my colleagues...
tomolo continue ^^
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