one week ++ din update my blog..
why?? haha!!
coz~~ haiz~~ presentation!!!
what had happen those days?
i also cant remember clearly edy.. huhu~
oh ya.. friday night went to Ken's 21th birthday party in Cheras..
after my class 4.30pm, Moon Yew fetch me to Salak Selatan station,
coz raining.. so i din take train from Asia Jaya..
from Salak Selatan station i need to take to Chan Shao Lin station n change train to Cempaka..
huh!! so many ppl neh.. coz finish work time. =(
seeing all those unfamiliar faces in the train.. feel scary coz im ALONE!!
reach station n aunt fetch me to her home..
2cousin sis not home yet coz they going to Midvalley after work to buy phone. =)
around 8.30pm only asked my uncle to fetch me to Ken's house.
reach there i saw Yoon Wei n Jason.. haha!!
lucky got them, if not i dunno who i can talk to.
coz i just same class with them for one year only then back to Ipoh study.
so my friends in SMKTC not much.. & not close..
enjoy the party n met some of them that have not meet for around 6/7 years edy..
my purpose to go for their birthday coz wanna meet back my super old friend.. kaka!!
around 12am Yin Mei fetch me back to my aunt house..
back home n sleep.. haha!!
Saturday morning woke up by aunt coz they wanna go Sogo..
that was my 1st time to go there. =)
alot of malay ppl will shop there.. coz too many discount discount. =)
around 2pm go back.. Mcd is our lunch.. Yummy yummy~~ hehe!!
back home n help my cousin sis to store the phone number into her new Nokia 5800.
from 2pm key in till 8pm also not yet finish.. haha!!! too much edy..
then mom came there for dinner and bring me back.. haha~~
Sunday just stay at home.. kekekeke!!
Monday Dr Chan class become naughty edy..
i felt hungry and pull yin to come out to accompany me eat.
after eat we din went back to class with Ruban them..haha!!
we all lepak in canteen.. kaka!!
afternoon english class Ms Yoges keep asking me to help her do thing.
n she said will give me higher mark for my assignment or exam.. (hmm, no need actually)
follow her to Yin's class n Tommy's class to get the name list for final exam use. =)
oh ya, one of my internet friend Venus has come to my college to survey.. =)
when she is free but im not free. so they went to KBU,
i called her n asked whether she wan to meet me in one utama then back together.
at 1st she said no need so ma fan that i need to go there.
but at last meet her in 1u Mcd.. we eat n chat there.. chat alot...
seem like we know each other so long edy.. keep chat non stop.haha!
after that we took rapid bus back, stupid bus delay!!!
we back to kepong sentral then i send them to ktm station,
(coz they back to Nilai station & Labu station)
Tuesday Customer Service class Ms Puva discuss with us about our case study.
nervous coz im presenting.. =(
Wednesday after class eat with yin then went to Picadilly to have discussion..
3pm Emma's bf fetch me to 1u.. then i wait daddy to fetch me.. =)
bought Mcflurry to eat.. yum yum.. haha!!
Thursday no class n Jh fetch me to college to submit my english assignment..
stupid college photocopy n binding so expensive but no choice!!!
we still need to stationary shop!! @@
after submit then we went to Sunway shopping n watch movie..
funny movie.. haha!!
night need to do assignment!! my head edy B.O.O.M!!
coz really hard to think la!!
Friday(today), my presentation day..
so nervous la.. lucky i finish present.. =)
left Yin's n Tommy's group havent done..
good luck for them =)
can sleep gao gao!! woohoo!!
but next week monday got presentation AGAIN!!
UEL programme really very difficult..
started regret... but no choice..
still need to continue..
gambateh ba.. =)

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