this morning is my big day!! hehe!! happy about it~
but one thing is my eye! it bengkak!!! my eyes one big one small..
like allien la!! sad about it also..
very early woke up n get ready, coz must become a leng leng granduand^^
wait my daddy n mummy finish prepared then start our journey to PWTC!!
while on the way, wonder y joyce not yet give a called to me.
who knows she told me edy on the way~ huh!!
siaw ting suddenly give me a called, she told me that the ceremony started at 9am.
i like .. .. sei lo~ edy almost 9am, how can i rush to there...
the letter shown that start at 9.30am, but the ticket print that is 9am... arghh!!! geramnya~~
when i reach i walked very fast to find joyce, coz need to wear the gown... n prepare to enter the hall..
once i enter PWTC, i saw pn siti n may, i asked her wher is joyce, coz i dunno which floor..
rush up n up.. saw our junior DES showing the direction. but cant chat with them much coz time not enough,
once i reach 4th floor, from far i saw sky n him. i saw his hand holding flower.
that time din expect anything coz must stop everything!! haha..
so find for wash room!! run to wash room with my high hill.. huh!! pain la!!!
my mom keep asking me where is maggie, coz mummy buy me flower.. ^^
that time i dy very nervous le.. coz havent prepare!!
faster wear gown, u helping me i helping u.. haha~ quite fun actually even time not enough..
finish prepared, need to enter the hall edy... but need to register 1st, coz need to take the call card.
''he'' gave me the flower accompanied by sky. that time i'm searching for my handphone.
sorry about that. i received the flower. n that time mummy asked me again. [where is maggie?]
arghhh!! i edy very pening edy, still wanna asked me...
walked to register, finally saw maggie, n saw the flower.. nice! hehe..
thanks mummy^^
enter the hall n find for my seat!! wonder who is sitting beside me.. haha..
my senior emma!! both of us almost same name..
my name is Wong Phui Yen
her name is Wong Puai Mun..
haha.. my sista~~ ^^
she having cough.. pity her le.. cough until tears also came out~~
while all the graduan be seated, the ceremony started..
that time i started wanna go ladies.. mayb too nervous.. but.. .. .. cant go out!! argghh!!
oh ya, jenny sit behind me... she pity coz alone.. the seat all seperate with her friends,
n i wish her happy bday coz is her bday~
3person is talking on the stage.. but i din listen so i dunno who are them.. paiseh neh....
thought finish their speech will have some refreshment or let the graduand
who knows started need to walk up to the stage n take the cert!!! huh!! scare la wei~~
coz.. .. .. coz at the stage got a big screen, the screen will show our big face!! arghh!!
then sure can c my eyes so obvious liao lo?!
saw anis, karen n siaw ting on the stage... after that our turn le.. but i cant c how my face look like when in the screen.. huh~~~
b4 walked up to the stage, all of us nervous.. scare got anything will happen..
such as : ''PK'' , the hood will fall when shake hand with Datuk Halim..
the fotorex lady saw i nervous n she keep supportting me n asked me cool down..
finally my turn.. wanna c my pic!! hahaha~~
but dunno when will go n take..
after that walked back to my seat.. sit awhile then went to ladies coz really cant tahan..
no longer enter back to the hall n sit coz they said got group photo..
waited for so long, then group photo need to be capture...
got 600++ graduand!! how can finish all ah!?
sure we all inside the photo will be like a [ant] so small!!
finish the group photo, all capture capture n said ''after capture, facebook facebook!! tag tag ya^^''
haha.. but dunno when only will c all the photo leh~
n i also dunno whose camera is that.
suddenly joyce lost, she cant find me then she went out edy. but she din called me leh~~
i din leave the hall.. just stay inside keep capture..
capture with mrs.ngu(our course mummy),ms yeo, ken, anis them, rebekah.
me n anis cant find the others coz it's really.. .. .. huh!!
joyce went back.. really so fast. i stay till 2pm only went back..
coz stay n capture..
i saw kean fee, but i cant recognize him.
he still the same like the 1st day he met me, ask me am i phui yen. haha..
to confirm..!! hehe^^ then i asked back him izit kean fee.. haha.. paiseh!! cant recognize..
then that time he return the gown.. capture with him without gown..
then he left.
after we return the gown, capture capture.. haha^^
non-stop.. but cant find the others..
not yet capture with miko, ms jeanne n much more.. but dunno where r them.. sad sad~~
okok~ dun talk much.. i upload photo^^

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