end of July 31th,
i hit my target after consistency 3months i din hit..
getting my basic seriously not enough for me to use.. =(
finally and finally..
i hit my target and change my place.
new boss not so good.
got bit crazy.. @@
early of the month ask us to stay back min till 7pm..
so damn tired because of this.
cant claim for OT. just sitting there and keep working.
another one is, our call productivity from i work last year 120 calls per day..
then increase 20, and 20 again..
now new boss come, increase again to 180..
i crazy very very soon... @@
work more but get less. =(
is time to change a new environment?
always say change but... at last... im LAZY.. lol
after changing place and i hit last month,
every bad luck from me also go away...
wish me a very good luck this month and i can enjoy my bali trip for next month.. ^^